Worship – An aspirational testimony

Tuesday 31 March 2020

“Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for human masters”

Colossians 3:23

I wouldn’t describe myself as someone who readily or openly expresses my emotions, I am for the most part quite reserved except for a number of exceptions, one of which is sport!


It was the last day of the season, and the team I follow had the opportunity to be promoted to the next division up. The team they were playing that day had only brought about 100 supporters, which meant the rest of the stadium was filled with about 44,000 supporters of my team.  The atmosphere and noise was immense that day; I was jumping and cheering for the whole 90 minutes, very unaware of how silly I must have looked.   


Sports events are just one example of where diverse groups of individuals gather  together to celebrate in an un-abandoned way. These supporters, all of whom are from different walks of life, invest their time, money and voices into a team of people that they do not know and have no direct relationship with, in the hope and anticipation that their team will win. If indeed they do, the team give nothing back to those supporters, save for the short-lived celebratory feeling of their team’s success. 


I can’t say that this is the same mindset in which I have always approached worship. Life and personal inhibitions have caused me to compromise my worship in a way which I had not in the example above. My aspiration is to have a mindset of un-abandoned worship in all I do, no matter the situation or venue and to do it as though I am doing it for God, creator of the heavens and the earth.  He is worthy of my praise and it is the door to a deeper relationship with Him!

John Gell


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