Toy Library

What is the toy library? 
The toys from our under 5s groups will be available to take home for one week. Each week you will be asked to return the toy and borrow a different toy the following week. There is a week A and B so that toys can be cleaned and quarantined before being used again. This booking system gives you a choice of a time slot and one toy per family. Toys will be allocated on a first come first signed up first choice basis and a 2nd choice and 3rd choice will be given if your toy choice has been allocated. 
Who is the toy library for? 
The toy library is for all families with children between 0 - 4 years old.

  • Wednesday, Term Time Only
  • 8:50am - 11:30am (booked slots between these times)
  • Mansfield Baptist Church


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Mansfield Baptist Church
Rosemary Street
Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
NG19 6AB
Great Britain
