Thursday 13 May 2021



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At our recent Deacons meeting a passage from Job was shared reminding us that God is in control. We need such a reminder particularly when we see the events in the news today that can challenge that view.  Long standing injustice in the Middle East has again erupted into violence with innocent men, women and children suffering and dying. The indigenous people of Brazil are threatened with loss of land to those seeking a profit from mining, further adding to the destruction of vital rainforest.  The persecution of Uighur Muslims continues, lives are lost in Myanmar as people resist the Army coup. The list of suffering caused by human intolerance and greed seems endless. We see politicians throughout the World interested in power to satisfy themselves, not the people they should care for. 

Today is Ascension Day when Christ departed to Heaven. Although physically gone he did not leave us alone but rather sent the Holy Spirit to enable us to continue his work. His work is one of service including speaking out in whatever way we can against injustice and remembering that God is ultimately in control. Psalm 82, in my Bible is headed 'A plea for justice' and ends with: 

 'Rise up, O God, judge the earth; for all the nations belong to you'. 





  Loving God may we be vehicles of your love and compassion and never hesitate to challenge injustice at home or abroad. We know that you are with those suffering oppression and that all will eventually face your justice. A justice not of condemnation but of love.  Amen. 


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