Sunday 02 May 2021

         This week we look at Revelation 5 and the first thing we noticed was how many people and Angels all sang together, can you imagine millions all singing together? How amazing that must be and the sound would be so beautiful. 

Edited from the following movies: The Nativity Story (2006)... The Visual Bible: The Gospel of John (2003) ... The Passion of the Christ (2004).

    We then looked at the bowls of incense a pleasing offering of prayer. Do your prayers honour God or do you just cry out to Him when you want Him to do something? Will you just for 1 week stop asking and pray daily with thanksgiving and praise? He will still know what is in your heart so the missions and people we pray for will still be taken care of but just for 1 week don’t, ask don’t demand just praise and thank Him, send your love to Him. 

Music video by Passion performing Behold The Lamb (Lyric Video/Live). B) 2019 Capitol Christian Music Group, Inc.

     Now we look at Jesus this chapter has him with 7 horns and after some deliberation we came to the conclusion that they represent the characteristics worthy of Him, they are Power, Wealth, Wisdom, Strength, Honour, Glory and Praise. We then looked at His role in the world when he takes the scroll from God. Jesus becomes one with Him, Jesus is given even more authority and officially becomes our redeemer, in opening a scroll nothing else in all creation can open Jesus takes His crown.   

Download chord charts, sheet music, tracks and multitracks for \"Crown Him With Many Crowns\" at: Subscribe on YouTube: --------------- Follow Hymn Charts Facebook: Instagram: --------------- Website: http://www ...

We then looked at animal logos for example here in Britain our logo is a Lion and every place we could think off has a strong or fearsome animal as it’s logo, yet Heaven chose a meek and mild Lamb. How amazing the greatest place ever, the place with the most power and strength chose something so tame, so quiet, so unthreatening. We cry out to God and our redemption, hope and salvation is given us in a Lamb. 

     To finish we looked at Angels and there is actually a lot of references to them in the bible I will put a list of all the ones my bible has shown me at the end of this devotional. Every Angel has it’s own job. Yes, there is even guardian Angels our group knew of four separate incidents where God has sent an Angel to the rescue. 

The first was on a motorway and a car had broken down in a very dangerous spot, a stranger got out and got them going He even directed them to a garage and told them to mention His name no-one at the garage had ever heard of Him. 

The second was in Switzerland again a car had broken down on a mountain and in a very dangerous place. A van stopped to help it turned out a bolt was missing from the starter motor and as some of you may be aware its incredibly tricky to find a bolt that is just the right length, thickness and thread but this stranger had just what was needed on his van, when the car was fixed the van and its occupant just disappeared. 

The third a couple was walking on a mountain in Spain and became very thirsty suddenly a man appeared and told them the closest place to get water, again when they looked around the man was gone 

The final one was on an empty beach an unsavoury looking person started walking toward them then a man started walking behind them and scared of the scary looking individual when they turned round no one was there. 

So you see we all have a guardian Angel ready to help us when we need it the most. 

We finish this week feeling inspired and very good about what our future holds and how heaven will be. Let’s see where we go next. 

    We leave you with this God and His Angels will minister to your needs you don’t need to ask just believe. You are loved and will be welcomed into heaven with Joy. Stay strong. 

Sending you all love and blessing’s 


  • Spiritual being created by God 

A     Their origin and nature 

  • They are spirits    .       .         .        .        .         .        .        .       .       Hebrews 1v14 
  • They were created by God  .    .     .     .     .       .    .      .        .    .      Psalm148 v 2&5         
  •                                                                                                                    Colossians 1 v16 
  • They were created early in creation  .   .        .       .        .      .      .     Job 38 v6-7 
  • They were created good     .      .          .        .         .        .          .   .    Genesis 1 v31 
  • They are not to be worshiped       .    .        .       .         .       .     .      Colossians 2 v 18 
  •                                                                                                                    Revelation 19 v10 
  • They do not marry or die   .       .        .         .        .          .       .     .      Luke 20 v35-36 
  • Some Angels rebelled against God     .          .         .        .       .    .     2 Peter 2 v4 

B Names and ranks of good Angels 

  • Michael    .       .        .         .            .          .          .          .            .          Daniel 12 v1 
  •                                                                                                                      Jude 9 
  •                                                                                                                      Revelation 12 v7 
  • Gabriel  .        .        .           .           .          .        .            .             .           Daniel 9 v21 
  •                                                                                                                      Luke 1 v19 & 26 
  • Archangels     .        .         .            .              .              .          .          1 Thessalonians 4 v16 
  • Seraphs    .        .         .       .         .            .           .          .      .          .         Isaiah 6 v2 
  • Cherubim     .      .                 .                .           .                .            .     Ezekiel 10 v 1-3 
  • Rulers and authorities     .                 .                .              .            .        Ephesians 3 v 10 
  •                                                                                                                      Colossians 1 v16 
  • Thrones and powers   .      .         .       .              .               .         .         Colossians 1 v16 
  • There are numerous Angels      .           .          .             .           .           Revelation 5 v11 



C duties of good angels 

1       general duties 

  • They revealed the law     .       .       .      .       .        .       .       .      .       Acts 7 v38 
  •                                                                                                                     Galatians 3 v 19 
  •                                                                                                                        Hebrews 2 v2 
  • They bring messages from God    .   .    .     .     .      .    .      .      .        Zechariah 1 v14-17 
  •                                                                                                                      Acts 10 v3-6 
  • They praise and worship God  .   .      .     .      .     .       .       .      .     .  Hebrews 1 v16 
  •                                                                                                                     Revelation 5 v11-12 
  • They provide for God’s people   .   .       .        .         .         .       .     .    1 Kings 19 v5-8 
  •                                                                                                                        Matthew 4 v11 
  •                                                                                                                        Hebrews 1 v14 
  • They protect God’s people   .    .     .    .    .    .    .    .    . .    .     .   .      Psalm 91 v11 
  •                                                                                                                      David 6 v22 
  •                                                                                                                      Acts 12 v7-10 
  • Some serve as guardian angels  .   .     .     .    .   .     .     .     .      .     .  Matthew 18 v10 
  •                                                                                                                      Acts 12 v15 
  • They give guidance to God’s people  .     .     .     .     .      .      .     .     Acts 8 v26 
  •                                                                                                                     Acts 27 v23-24 
  • They interpret God’s will   .     .     .     .     .    .     .    .    .    .      .     .    Daniel 7 v16 
  •                                                                                                                Zechariah 1 v9 & 13-14 
  • They carry out God’s will    .     .      .   .      .     .      .     .       .     .    Numbers 22 v22 
  •                                                                                                                 Psalm 103 v20-21 
  •                                                                                                                  Matthew 28 v2 
  • They punish God’s enemies    .      .       .     .     .       .      .       .        2 Kings 19 v35 
  •                                                                                                                  Acts 12 v23 
  •                                                                                                         Revelation 14 v17 – 16 v21 

2       Duties connected with Christ 

  • Gabriel announced conception to Mary  .    .     .     .   .     .      .     .  Luke 1 v26-38 
  • An angel announced conception to Joseph  .     .     .     .    .      .  .    Matthew 1 v20-21 
  • An angel announced his birth   .    .      .      .      .      .      .     .       .      Luke 2 v9-12 
  • Angels sang at His birth       .         .       .      .       .      .       .      .     .      Luke 2 v13-14 
  • An angel warned Joseph to flee to Egypt  .       .     .         .      .     .     Matthew 2 v13 
  • An Angel told Joseph to return    .      .      .     .     .      .        .          .    Matthew 2 v19-20 
  • Angels strengthened Christ    .      .        .     .      .      .      .         .       .   Matthew 4 v11 
  •                                                                                                                        Luke 22 v43 
  • Angels were available to help Him    .       .       .       .        .        .       .   Matthew 26 v 53 
  • An angel rolled away the stone      .    .        .       .       .     .       .     .   .   Matthew 28 v2 
  • Angels announced His resurrection    .      .      .     .        .      .      .       .  Matthew 28 v5-7 
  •                                                                                                                          Luke 24 v23 
  •                                                                                                                          John 20 v11-13 
  • Angels were present at his ascension   .       .      .        .      .       .       .   Acts 1 v11 
  • Angels will return with Christ     .        .            .      .       .       .     .     .    Matthew 25 v31 
  •                                                                                                                     2 Thessalonians 1 v7 
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