Friday 09 October 2020

Harvest is such a special time in the Christian calendar: a time of giving thanks and celebrating the good things all around us that our Father blesses us with.
As Christians we say the Lord's prayer and give thanks for our daily bread. We know the Father's love for us and how He provides for our daily needs.
When we fully trust in Jesus, we know we will be taken care of and He is always there for us.
We all have testimonies of how, in time of need, He has blessed us...

We hear that four in ten people could very soon be out of work with no money coming in while they wait for universal credit to be paid. This we know can be a long wait, often 6 weeks.
Do people have food in the cupboards for situations like this beyond their control?


When things seem so bleak, we know from CAP (Christian's Against Poverty), a gift of a food shop can be such a blessing, making a world of difference to the family it feeds.

We no longer have a local CAP service in this area, but we can bring Hope in to people's lives in what I believe is going to be times like we have never seen before.

The bags of hope we are planning to distribute will hold a week's food and will be either a 2/3-person, 4 person, or 6 person size.

Wendy and I have looked at breakfasts, lunches and main meals for a week, making the contents of the bag as nutritionally balanced as we can. With some treats included of course.

We have to use tinned and dried things as much as we can. These are things you can donate as per the list in the Church newsletter. A more extensive list will come out in the next few weeks on a flyer (again attached to the newsletter) along with the menu for the meals we are planning for.

There will be some fresh produce which we will need to purchase closer to the delivery dates, so we welcome monetary donations too.

In the bag we will also will include an Aldi voucher for approx £5.00.

This voucher is redeemable for food items only and will enable the family to buy meat and cheese. (these are high risk items and we need to ensure the bags are low risk).

Each bag will have recipe cards along with the meal planner giving ways the family can use the food or add extras like more meat if they choose and ideas to swop things around.


Each bag will also hold a Christian Hope tract with a link to a website where they can find out more about Jesus.

Harvest: the gathering in and sharing of all good things.

I pray we will be able to bless the families of Mansfield at this Harvest time, and show them how much God loves them.

In God we trust always.

Love from Elaine xx


'give thanks to the Lord, Our God and King, His love endures forever'

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Mansfield Baptist Church
Rosemary Street
Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
NG19 6AB
Great Britain
