Tuesday 28 July 2020

Through this lockdown period God has been walking with us. Showing us what's important and what isn't. 
My walk with God is the best it's been finding out more and listening more.
I'm always on the go, my days are just so full I worry how I will get it all done that was pre lockdown. Now it's different I can have a lie in, take more walks and I feel more at peace and feel happy to simply just sit and be in God presence.
Ken has always put the bird food out it's normally from Christmas and birthday gifts and we have lots. But I noticed we weren't getting any birds in the garden and the bird table was empty. I asked Ken about it and he said he would sort it.
When I was doing our two weekly shop I noticed some bird food on offer and got two sorts. 
Ken put the shopping away while I delivered a shop to someone I just assumed he would put them out...
In the afternoon I was lying on my sun lounger(I haven't had out since it was purchased 4 years ago) enjoying the sunshine listening to some worship music on my phone looking at the garden all the beauty around me the colours and feeling simply blessed how God takes care of us providing our daily bread and taking our worries and concerns if we hand them to him.
Sitting on the fence were two little sparrows
They looked so cute and I looked at the bird table and realised it hadn't been filled.
I Remembered the bible passage about how if God will take care of the sparrows need for food how he will surely take care of us...
Chrissy our neighbour was in her garden with her little girl and she asked if I was going in so soon? I shared the reason I was going in and the bible passage how God loves us and will provide for us like he does the sparrows... Mathew 6 26-33
'Therefore I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? '
It's so true God always provides what we need and in this time of lockdown for many like me it's been rest from being always busy. The opportunity to simply be
Knowing God has it all in his hands.  
I don't know if God wanted my neighbour to know she didn't need to worry or for me to take care of the sparrows but God does.
Btw no bird have eaten from the bird feeders yet but Mr black bird has entertained us hopping all over the grass finding things to eat...
Trust in God he is our forever friend and rest in him
Knowing he loves us.
Love from Elaine xx
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