Wednesday 12 August 2020

HEBREWS 13 : 8

Two songs have been going through my mind:

‘Yesterday, today, for ever Jesus is the same
All may change but Jesus never, glory to his name’ (Hebrews 13:8)‘.

Jesus, you are changing me. By your Spirit you are making me like you.
Jesus you’re transforming me that your loveliness may be seen in all I do.
You are the potter and I am the clay
Help me to be willing to let you have your way
Jesus you are changing me as I let you reign supreme within my heart.’

Five months ago we were facing lockdown, with concern for health for ourselves, our families and friends. We realised that many of the planned events were being cancelled and the familiar, weekly routine wasn’t going to continue in the same way. We were forced to stop, let go and reassess priorities and ways to communicate.

In March I planted some beans in jam jars. During these five months they have germinated, grown, been transferred outside and we are enjoying the lovely runner beans that have resulted.

Tomato plants that were small seedlings have developed into thriving plants producing tomatoes that are growing and will ripen. The leaves on the trees that were just tiny buds are now in full foliage with acorns and chestnuts appearing.

All this change taking place in God’s amazing creation, quietly, unobtrusively, nurturing the next generation, making sure there will be continuity in the seasonal cycle.

But what about us? Are we stuck in our lockdown state of anxiety and confusion? Or has God been at work in us, changing and transforming us to be more like him; to bear the fruit of his Spirit? – (Galatians 5:22.23) - love, joy,  peace, patience, kindness, goodness. Faithfulness, gentleness and self control? Have we invited him to develop his gifts in us, in and through our relationships, by risking going out of our comfort zone?

We thank our faithful God that Jesus is the same, yesterday, today and for ever. That he is at work in his world and in us to continue his work of recreation and transformation so that we are not stuck in the way we were five months ago.


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Rosemary Street
Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
NG19 6AB
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