Wednesday 19 August 2020

Our Zoom Bible group are half way through the book of Revelation – and what a revelation it has been to research and discuss a chapter every week!

Oh, we still have lots of questions unanswered, as we knew we would, but God has given us so much more understanding and encouragement as we have faithfully tackled this final book in HIS story and discussed it in depth.

Time and again in Revelation I am seeing the necessity of both the fruit of the Spirit and the gifts of the Spirit. (listed here from Galatians 5 and 1 Corinthians 12)

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John mentions them continually so I am beginning to see that they must be an important thing for us to both work towards and acknowledge and use NOW in readiness.

We know the fruit of the Spirit makes us more like Jesus in character and the gifts are for the building up of the Church members. These are things we need now to build up and grow the disciples of Jesus and subsequently His Church, but how much more will we need them in the end times when our faith will be tested to the limit and we will have to really rely on one another. (I say ‘I’ ‘our’ and ‘we’ as if we may see the events of Revelation in our lifetime, but I don’t know that for sure. Even so, I, we and you are training the next generation of disciples and we want them to be well equipped, so it still applies).

When talking about the reign of the antichrist, when he will be worshipped globally, John says to the Christians: “this calls for patient endurance and faithfulness on behalf of the saints”. (ch13)

And again, when John talks about the deceptive ways of the false prophet he reminds the Christians: “this calls for patient endurance on the part of the saints who obey God’s commandments and remain faithful to Jesus”.

Faithfulness and patience are looking like key things to have mastered….

When John speaks of the deception, lies and cunning which the false prophet will use, he reminds the Christians “this calls for wisdom and discernment” both of which are gifts from God.

So, this is just one of the things God is speaking to me about through our studies in the book of Revelation.

Among the searches and studies I have done, I came across this very moving song called ‘we shall behold Him’. The words are plain and simply magnificent.

This version is sung by Sandi Patty who sings top soprano! It was recorded in 2012.

(the congregation are an interesting bunch on this recording lol)

If you can sing along at that pitch, here is the word version:


and for those in the lower tones -here is Ron Kenoly’s version from 2017:


The late Dottie Rambo (what a name!) – singer, songwriter and musician – wrote this song and performed a signed version which is quite moving to watch.

Signing is something we should be doing while we are not allowed to sing out!! Lessons please Norton family.

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