Friday 05 February 2021

Counting out blessings in difficult times.
While out walking today in damp drizzly rain with my earphones in listening to some uplifting worship and praise music on my phone , I was thinking of what Amy had shared with me. How prisoners have, since march 2020, been in their cells 23+ hours a day. Thinking of how before lockdown when this was going to happen , the prisoners could be prepared with things to keep them busy in the isolation. Since March that's all they have known, long endless days.

On Sunday Amy shared that in three days the total time out of the cell for a 24 year old was 25 minutes. I was out walking for longer than that in the fresh air and even though it was wet and grey I was able to enjoy it. I would go home and have space to move around,  different things to occupy me should I choose. 

Counting my blessings of what I have and not thinking of what I don't have.
A postman stopped and chatted , he had been out since 7am on the round , it was now 3.30 and he was dropping the last letters. All he wanted was a cup of tea. 
As we order more on line the rounds get bigger and the days longer for all the postmen and women and delivery drivers.

Counting my blessings again that we have the ability to still shop for our needs on line and have them brought to us.
In these strange times,  it is changing our thinking to look for all we have, not what we don't have for now.

One thing for sure is our God is the same today as he was yesterday and will be tomorrow.

Forever faithful and our rock in times of trouble.
Please pray for all who are in prison at this time
And the families who cannot see them.




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Rosemary Street
Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
NG19 6AB
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