
By Elizabeth Cooper

Tuesday 28 July 2020

For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

Ephesians 2 v 10

Sitting in the quiet of St Michael's Church graveyard the other day – on my allowed daily walk. Listening to the birds and the brook tinkling away behind me, with just the occasional car passing on the road not too far away. Spring is evident all around. New life arriving and unfolding in its splendour as creation continues on its amazing cycle.

"God created" the Bible tells us in Genesis. All His creations are 'WOW!'

The Bible also says He created us in His image. So there is some of His creativity in all of us I believe. What a good thing that is - a blessing right now. 

Life is different and we have to be creative in order to live a healthy, happy life.

At home, we are 'creating' space for one another.  We are learning new media skills and 'creating' fellowship in a new format online. We are using what we have to make our isolation more fun – now more than ever we need to use the character God has given us and the sense of humour!

We are creating healthy meals with what we have – let's face it we have plenty despite the changes. The Ladies have been sharing on their WhatsApp about all the crafts they are doing in this time – creating things of beauty and gifts to bring pleasure to others.

I am sure you are all having to use your creativeness in daily life, and we are able to do this because inherent in us is something of the Creator God.

(INHERENT = existing in something as a permanent, essential, or characteristic attribute.)


God, Who Made The Earth: Hymn Lyrics

God, Who made the earth,
The air, the sky, the sea,
Who gave the light its birth,
He cares for me.

God, Who made the grass,
The flower, the fruit, the tree,
The day and night to pass,
He cares for me.

God, Who made the sun,
The moon, the stars, is He
Who, when life's clouds come on,
He cares for me.

God, Who made all things,
On earth, in air, in sea,
Who if I lean on Him,
Will care for me.

When in Heav'n's bright land
I all His loved ones see,
I'll sing with that blest band,
"God cared for me."


Thank God for all the beauty around us, giving us smiles in this challenging time.

Thank God for all the people who are creating new ways to keep in touch with you and encourage you in your day.

Thank God that within you is something of Him that will enable you to adapt and be creative in your day.

Thank God that He cares for you.

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Mansfield Baptist Church
Rosemary Street
Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
NG19 6AB
Great Britain
