Tuesday 28 July 2020

Lying in the Saturday afternoon sunshine reading a book, listening to the children giggling in the garden beside me. 
I looked upon the sky , our amazing late afternoon sight drifted across the sky , the pure white doves were flying in mass going higher and higher. They looked like pure silver against the white fluffy clouds and the clear blue sky. 
They flew this way and that way sometimes close together other times splitting up and coming together again.
It was simply beautiful, nature pure and simple. I don't know where they live but it must be close to us. I never saw them before lockdown but really enjoy seeing them now.
I lay wondering why they don't stay out free but go home when they are called.
One of my favourite hymns is all thing bright and beautiful the lord God made them all.
Seeing the doves in flight reminded me just how amazing creation is the beauty all around us if only we open our eyes and see.
I will try and get a picture next time.
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