Tuesday 28 July 2020

MARK 5 v 1-20

Life continues to be so uncertain, bringing with it fear for many. After all we have been through the restrictions are beginning to be lifted. This has led to conflicting opinions and a lot of concern as to how to approach the various reopenings etc , what exactly needs to be done?
My reading today was Mark 5: 1-20 , the healing of the demon possessed man whose spirits were passed to pigs who then drowned. The people who witnessed this were afraid , could not comprehend what they had seen , and asked Jesus to leave the area. He told them to go and tell what they had seen and the mercy shown in the healing.
Jesus is the only one without fear and can break through fear in us all , to meet with us , heal and release each from fear allowing us to fully live.
I wonder how willing we are to walk with Jesus today and all that means, yes, with all that is happening! It could change much.




Heavenly Father , I pray that each will hear what you want to say to us all as individuals , and that we can allow ourselves to be changed by it. Amen.

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