Thursday 20 August 2020

Hi brothers and sisters , I hope you are all well and keeping strong in these times that are so different to any we have known before.
As you know each house group are doing different things and all are important keeping us close to each other and Jesus. 
Our house group is doing Revelation which is exciting, scary, and challenging at the same time. We know we won't have all the answers but we will be 
forearmed in what is coming in the end times and able to share this information now and in the future.
What is clear in all we have learnt so far is not to be afraid because God is in total control good will overcome the evil.
We must do our best to have scripture in our armour so when the deceiver comes we will know the truth and be able to use it so we aren't deceived.
We will be called upon to stand firm in our faith and love, support and encourage each other in a way like never before. 
We are only on 14 so a long way to go still.
 I was never ready for Revelation before but now it is the right time and we are all learning so much.
We were tasked this week to look at ourselves and see what we are centred on, what makes us who we are in our faith when everything else is stripped away.
We will be tested like never before and will need to know this and be able to stand firm in it when as Christians we will be called upon to stand firm in our faith in Jesus Christ.
So I ask you all to ask yourself this question in the coming week and like your testimony be able to call upon it when asked.
Thanking Elizabeth for leading our group and opening this chapter up to us
Looking forward to our next session.
God bless you all.
Love from Elaine xxImage
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NG19 6AB
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