GOD as your GPS


Tuesday 28 July 2020

101 Amazing things God thinks about you

This is the title of a book I picked up at a ladies’ conference a few years ago and I kept it in my car for a couple of years. I would read one page a day as I arrived in the car park at work, to set my day in a positive mode.

It is now on my book shelf and I dip into it now and again. I thought I would share with you the thought for today.


You are designed to have God as your GPS

Forget maps, road atlases and asking for directions at the nearest service station. Today you can purchase a vehicle with a Global Positioning System (GPS). Just key in your destination and this handy little device will guide you to your objective, via the most efficient route. With the help of a satellite, you can not only chart a route to where you’re going, but you can pinpoint exactly where you are right now. You will never be lost again. Well, at least not while you’re behind the wheel.


But finding your way in life can be a bit more difficult. That’s why God offers you His very own GPS as standard equipment when you turn your life over to Him. The bet part is that this guidance system never wears out or needs repair. All you have to do is choose to use it,


It’s a three-part system that utilizes the Bible, the counsel of others and God’s Spirit. When you’re faced with a decision, and are unsure of which way to turn, first take time out to pray. Ask God to give you the wisdom you need to make a decision that will honour Him. Then take time to read God’s word. It holds some basic rules about what is right and loving – and what is wrong and self-serving. Weigh your decision against what God has said in black and white.

If you’re still unsure of which direction to go, turn to someone you respect, someone who you feel has a strong relationship with God. Ask for their input on the situation. Then go back to step one. Pray about all the counsel you have received, and ask God to clearly lead you in the direction you should go.


Unlike the GPS on your car you may not be able to see where this decision will ultimately lead, But God knows. He’s not only more reliable than a satellite, but on a very personal level He is infinitely more interested in your destination, as well as every inch of your
journey. He cares that you arrive safely. So follow God’s direction, one turn at a time. He will get you where you need to go.


In Psalm 32 verse 8 God says, “I will instruct you and teach you the way you should go; I will counsel you with my loving eye on you”


‘Guide me O Thou Great Redeemer’ is a traditional Welsh hymn which talks of our pilgrimage through life, asking God to provide for us, and bring us safely to heaven at the end of our lives. The images like ‘barren land’, fiery cloudy pillar’ and ‘verge of Jordan’ are all from the story of Moses leading the Hebrews from Egypt to the promised land. God was their GPS!

And here’s the late Sir Harry Secombe singing the beautiful hymn.




The words stand the test of time, so much so that musicians 100+ years later are setting the lyrics to their own musical arrangements. Here’s Jeremy Casella with his rendition – but still the great prayerful words asking for God’s guidance.


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