Tuesday 28 July 2020

ACTS : 7 v 39-50

God's dwelling place 
My bible reading today was Acts 7 . Vs 39  - 50 .  I was prompted to think of the wonderful things we see and hear in His word . 
How would we go about explaining what it is like to be human ? God has used symbols to help us , for example the tabernacle was a reminder of His presence to the Israelites in the desert . However God seems bigger than the tabernacle - not confined to four walls ! 
When Jesus departed His earthly ministry for Heaven He left the Holy Spirit available to all so that the Church may grow and expand . He is in the father and the father is in us , as John tells us . 
I wonder where do we dwell ? 
'Heaven is my throne , and the earth is my footstool .  What kind of home will you build for me ? says the Lord or where will my resting place be ? '    Acts 7 : 49 . 
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