Wednesday 03 March 2021

Thursday 6pm group devotional


Our group came together on 25/02/2021 and I believe this should be our title for this week’s lent study
Start by thinking; How much time am I actually spending with God?

We realised God is our help our ‘rear-guard’ and we need to approach him with the right attitude remember ‘WWJD’ what would Jesus do? We ask you to remember God is never too busy he’s always here for us.

We also came to the realisation it’s never too late to return to God. We must give him our whole heart he won’t be angry return today! Right now!

Think about how you abide in God’s love.

Every day is a new day - it’s a fresh start - His compassion never fails.

God is patient with us so must wait patiently for him

· Great is thy faithfulness:


 We are hoping in the Lord, waiting for Him to come again.
We must show joy in our waiting, praise him daily show him Your love.

· He has made me glad
he has.jpg

 Please pray for all those who have lost all hope , there are millions out there suffering with nowhere to turn - pray for them all.

Finally, we are reminded to cast all our anxiety onto Him.

We leave you with this: ‘He will lift you up in Due time’ remember ‘Be still and know that he is God’

With love and blessings to you all.


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NG19 6AB
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