Campaign for Racial Justice Interview

By Mark Herd

Tuesday 28 July 2020

Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them.

Ephesians 5 v 11

Now the issue of racial justice has left the media spotlight, it was a priviledge to be given an interview with Yinka Oyekan who has been speaking at a national level on behalf of the Baptist churches, and also leading group of ministers of colour from across differing denominations to continue to hold this matter in the public view and not allow this to just be ignored.  Yinka has been has also been encouraging churches to support and stand together on this issue, and do things for change at a local level and find their prophetic voice.

Yinka is the senior Minister at the Gate church in Reading and has been pioneering and planting churches for many years. in recent years Yinka has been leading a mission called "The Turning" which been taking the Gospel message on the streets of many cities in the UK and Europe. The Turning is going to be part of a big mission in 2021 to England. We would love to get involved in this in Mansfield with other local churches, do have a look at the website below for details.

The interview also includes a short encouragment for churches to get behind the Baptist Union's plans during Yinka' presidential year to pioneer new churches and initiatives within the Baptist Movement. Its is an exciting time we are in. I hope you will be inspired.



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NG19 6AB
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