Tuesday 09 March 2021

To us, as Christians, there is a lot of encouragement in knowing Jesus is our Shepherd.

Like me, you have probably heard so many sermons on this Psalm and think there can’t be many more ways to present it or much more to discover. But the book I have been reading alongside all the Lent study gave me more to think about.

The Hebrew word for ‘want’ as in ‘The Lord is my shepherd, I shall not WANT’ – indicates a meaning of LACK. This Psalm is saying: “I shall not lack anything”.

The Lord leads and guides us and nourishes us, and because of that, we have no lack.

Which led me to the question: Do I feel like I lack something? If so, then perhaps I am not letting Him guide me or nourish and restore me.

Most people see this as a Psalm of total calm with the Shepherd and all the happy sheep. But when I read what Isaiah said about Jesus the Shepherd, I see a different picture.

“He shall feed His flock like a shepherd: He shall gather the lambs in His arms, and carry them in His bosom, and shall gently lead those that are with young”

I see weak lambs unable yet to walk; pregnant sheep who are slow; happy ewes with bouncing lambs who need pulling back to the path; wounded sheep that limp; all among the healthy sheep who are hungry.

Which sounds a lot like Church. We are not all lying down drinking cool water, happy and contented. We have in our midst baby believers who stumble and need carrying sometimes. There are the sick and diseased and wounded – some hurt by the enemy, others crippled by evil habits and lust. Jesus carries us all at one time or another and brings us back into the fold, doesn’t He?

The Psalm says the Shepherd makes us lie down ….we don’t always want to fully depend on Him do we? Sometimes we think we can recover by ourselves and heal our own wounds,

figure everything out ourselves. But Jehovah Rohi knows our pain and just how much we can take. Best of all He knows how to rescue us and bring us to a place of healing and refreshment.

Jehovah Rohi knows each one of us. Jehovah Rohi KNOWS YOU.

Jesus said, “I am the good shepherd and know my sheep, and am known of mine” John 10 v 14

So, if you are one of the sheep who are hurting or wounded – don’t give in to despair, which is what the enemy wants you to do. (The wolf is always around nipping at the sheep, trying to pick them off)

Jehovah Rohi knows your name and all about you. Just lie down in his grace and love. Just rest in his arms; listen to His heartbeat as He carries you for a while.

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Read Psalm 23 again and absorb what Jehovah Rohi will do for you.

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