Jesus loves YOU


Tuesday 28 July 2020

LUKE 5 v 32

Yesterday I was lucky to have my hair cut after months of lockdown - very necessary!
The team took great care . First was handwashing followed by hand sanitizer . Then my temperature was checked and I was given a gown and mask. The team wore plastic visors , gowns and gloves. I felt humbled by the consideration and respect and hoped I could offer them that in return.

When I got home it just struck me that this is what our Christian faith is all about , to go and love one another as He has loved us. There are so many examples of Jesus healing in so many ways when others were afraid and trying to move away from the demon possessed or unclean leper. He did not call the most popular individuals either, for example Levi , the tax collector. Jesus told us ' I have not come to call the righteous , but sinners to repentance'  ( Luke 5 v32).

He really is there for each , wherever we may be  , or whatever we may feel we have or have  not done. Jesus loves YOU.


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Rosemary Street
Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
NG19 6AB
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