Tuesday 28 July 2020

A cry from the heart. That is how I interpreted Elizabeth Cooper’s plea In her message of the 16th June asking us to consider carefully and prayerfully the future pattern of our life as a church in the coming days.

We are asked to pray for the Leadership Team as they meet on the 22nd to consider the future direction of the church. Please revisit her message and listen to what God is saying through you and through all of us.

Remember that our pastor and leaders are also human and can be vulnerable as can all of us. They need our continual prayers.

Whilst thinking of leadership, let us also pray for our national and international leaders. When things are tough there can be a tendency to be self-centred and critical of others. It takes courage to own mistakes and not throw all the blame on others. Leaders should inspire, enthuse, unite. They need courage and compassion. I would love here to quote examples of great leaders in various spheres of life but time and space forbid.

I am blessed by being a member of Mansfield Baptist church and seek to play my part even as age increases and physical and mental energy go the other way. I am blessed also by benefitting from zoom services from other churches, from Renew Wellbeing prayer, local and national, and from the Baptist Union prayer twice a week. 

I am conscious of my responsibility also to pray for national and world leaders.

And I am continually stretched by the implications of the prayer that Jesus taught us. Take it phrase by phrase and dwell on it.

“Our Father in heaven, honoured be your name

Your kingdom come, your will be done on earth as it is in heaven.

Give us this day our daily bread

Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who sin against us

Lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.

For the kingdom, the power and the glory are yours

Now and for ever. Amen.”


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Rosemary Street
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NG19 6AB
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