Tuesday 28 July 2020

SONG OF SONGS : 1 v 1-4

I was looking in the scriptures at the Song of Songs yesterday which actually I had not read for a while. The wonderful uplifting language for the celebration of marriage prompts us to remember Gods fullness of life in our present and physical living , right now.
We are so aware of many feeling isolated and alone at present , those concerned about loved ones they are not able to see or those who have been lost , leaving big gaps in life. Things can seem stretched and so far away.

We hear in Song of Songs of a beautiful young woman ' deeply , madly in love ' ( 1 : 1-4) . Then the young man notices ' How beautiful you are , my darling' ( 1: 15) - reciprocated love.
We could change the perspective to our own place in Gods story . He loves us totally , unconditionally , a free gift by Grace we cannot earn . However difficult and different for each things seem at present , I pray that we can all dwell in his delight and love for us. It will change us and bring us safely through.


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