Tuesday 28 July 2020

Nameless women – never anonymous

I was thinking about Gwen Harry today as I picked up one of the books she gave me – ‘The One Year Women of the Bible’.

In the book are her notes from 2007 to 2016 – scribblings of important dates and things learned from the daily readings. She read this book over again every year and it is a precious memory book.

Some of you won’t know who I am talking about but that’s okay: I know her name and remember her.


Today’s devotional in this book was entitled ‘Nameless Women – Never Anonymous’.

The reading associated with it is Isaiah 49 v 14-16.

There are many women mentioned in the Bible whose names we don’t know. Their stories are significant enough to be included in God’s word but, for some reason, not their names.

Think of the woman who touched Jesus’ robe for healing; of Noah’s wife; of Jairus’s daughter to name a few.


Perhaps today you feel nameless, forgotten. It’s easy to feel way that in this unusual time of segregation and isolation. But take heart from the reading: “ I will never forget you “ God says to His people.

And remember, in the end, it won’t matter how well-known we’ve been in our life, but it will matter how well we have known God and how well we have lived.


God says “I have engraved you on the palms of my hands”.

He hasn’t forgotten you and He never will if you have accepted Jesus as your Saviour.

So why not turn the table around?

Instead of nursing that forgotten feeling, get in touch with someone. Call them by name and pass on the comfort of being remembered.

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