Tuesday 28 July 2020

We live in uncertain and challenging times at present bringing different concerns and sometimes contrasting advice.

It has been a privilege to speak to different members of the Church Family and share some of these feelings. For myself it has been valuable to hear again the prompting to different areas of thinking. Conversations have also shown the very real presence of the Risen Lord at this time - yes even this !

The Lord has given me the words of songs coming to me as I move around the house - at present ' Just As I Am'  :

' Just as I am though tossed about,

with many a conflict , many a doubt,

fightings and fears within , without,

O Lamb of God , I come'.

However, our God is bigger , stronger and loves us knowingly and individually , as a later verse says:

'Just as I am Thou will receive,

will  honour , pardon , cleanse , relieve,

because of your promise I believe,

O Lamb of God, I come'.


I pray that promise can hold us each through today and in all that is to come , wherever we are at right now.



Heavenly Father . We praise and thank-you for all your created world we see around us . We pray earnestly that you will oversee all in the current Coronavirus pandemic. Be close to those who are sick or have lost loved ones , feeling isolated , lost incomes , and each of your loved individuals affected in different ways. Trusting in your great love and promise that there is nowhere too far from you that we may go . Amen

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Rosemary Street
Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
NG19 6AB
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