Tuesday 25 August 2020

Matthew 18 v 13- 15.

' Then Joseph got up , took the child and his mother by night , and went to Egypt.'

Joseph fled with Jesus and Mary having been warned by an angel of the Lord that Herod intended to destroy his child. Jesus and his family became refugees.
Refugees are again in the news as some attempt to cross the English Channel in flimsy craft , many having already risked their lives crossing the Mediterranean Sea . How do we see those desperate to reach our shores ? Are their actions ' very bad  and stupid and dangerous and criminal' as a leading politician has said ? Or should we be showing understanding and compassion , recognising why they are so determined to reach our Country and finding ways to make sure that those in need can do so safely ?

Our Lord was a refugee  and his teachings remind us of what our response should be. The story of the Good Samaritan for example ( Luke 10  v 25 37 ) and Matthew 25 v 31- 46  ' Truly I tell you , just as you did not do it to one of the least of these you did not do it to me ' 


 Dear Lord , forgive us when we fail to show compassion to those in need and act selfishly . May our leaders act to help and not victimise those who are suffering the effects of conflict and persecution. May we show your love in all that we do. Amen

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