Monday 17 August 2020


Spiritually, thankfully, I still retain Bible passages, texts and hymns and can recall them to strengthen and guide me. The Bible says a lot about remembering and forgetting;

Ecclesiastes 12:3 "Remember your creator in the days of your youth before the days of trouble come"

2 Timothy 2:8 "Remember Jesus Christ, raised from the dead"

Deuteronomy 6:12 "be careful that you do not forget the Lord"

God says "I will not forget you, I have engraved you on the palms of my hands." Isaiah 49:16

And many other passages – all worth looking up, for your  encouragement.

In a Bible study group some years ago one member commented with amazement that the Bible is like a well that never runs dry. However much water you draw from it, there is always more to come. I would add that with the passing years there is still more to come and always new insights which stretch our horizons. So please have mercy on this 'old dog' who can remember old tricks and even perform new ones, even remembering your names!




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