Tuesday 23 February 2021

As part of the Lent study, each day in the ‘PRAISE’ section, we are encouraged to think of God’s names which reveal His attributes. Although God’s name is I AM – the Hebrews gave us many other expressions of God.

It has been a wonderful experience doing this and has led me into so many of the Old Testament accounts where God revealed Himself. Here are some of my scripture doodles:

ELOHIM: creator God, to be revered. JEHOVAH JIREH: God my provider or “God will see to it” (from the story of Abraham and Isaac in Gen 22 v 8-14). JEHOVAH NISSI: God my banner (protector and captain of my salvation. JEHOVAH RAPHA: God my healer (Exodus 15 v 26).

And today – JEHOVAH SHALOM: God my peace from the story of Gideon in Judges 6 v 23.

“Scripture makes it abundantly clear that because of our commitment to Jesus, we are going to be put through the fire. And that’s the very reason God revealed His names to His people in the first place – to bring them encouragement, hope and life.”

Did you say you know God? Tell me- who is He and what is He like?

Father, by your Holy Spirit, build into me a true heart knowledge of I AM - the God who is everything I need, at all times Amen

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