Wednesday 20 January 2021

‘One of the great enemies of hope is forgetting God’s promises.’


God uses many ways to remind us of His love, to encourage us when we feel down. And this morning He used both the Sisters in Christ WhatsApp group and the Solid Joys Daily phone message. Now that’s an up-to-date Father who cares!!

I’d like to share the message and song with you – taking no credit for the words, but simply passing on the message as it’s important.


Both Peter and Paul knew reminding was a great ministry : they wrote letters for this reason - “I think it is right to refresh your memory” in 1Peter 1 v 13 and “I have written to you quite boldly on some points to remind you of them again” in Romans 15 v 15.

The main Helper in reminding us what we need to know is the Holy Spirit: “the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said”. John 14 v 26

Your mind has this great power: it can talk to itself by way of reminder. The mind can ‘call to mind’ as the Lamentation scripture says.

If we do not remind ourselves what God has said about Himself and about us, we languish. (a wonderful word that means grow weak; fail to make progress; remain in an unpleasant place or situation). Don’t wallow in those godless messages in your head: “I can’t…” “she won’t…” “they never…” “It never works….”. Your mind will always find a way to make them true, UNLESS you “call to mind” something greater.

GOD IS THE GOD OF THE IMPOSSIBLE. Reasoning your way out of an impossible situation is not as effective as reminding yourself that God does impossible things.

We need to remind ourselves of the greatness and grace and power and wisdom of God so that we do not become ignorant or stupid like an animal as the Psalmist says in 73 v 22.

THE GREAT TURN FROM DESPAIR TO HOPE in Psalm 77 comes with these words “I will REMEMBER the deeds of the Lord; yes, I will REMEMBER your wonders of old. I will PONDER all your work, and MEDITATE on your mighty deeds”

This is the great battle of my life. I assume yours too.

The battle to remind – myself! Then others


Building 429 - We Won't Be Shaken (Official Lyric Video) - Bing video


Thank you Kieron for sharing your song and for reminding me that I won’t be shaken. God bless you.


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