Tuesday 28 July 2020

ACTS 5 v 1-11

We live in scary times right now . So many affected in so may different ways , physical health , isolation , finance and education to name but a few.
My Bible reading today was Acts 5: 1-11 when Ananias and Sapphira dropped dead as a result of lying  before God. Wow , human nature so exposed.
However we also know that God sees and knows us inside out ( 1 Samuel 16  v  7 ) and that this cannot be changed due to His unending love for each of us and as we sing ' The vilest offender who truly believes that moment from Jesus a pardon receives'.
This seems to be real freedom . Worrying what others feel I think can indeed be debilitating and ensnares us to certain actions / decisions.
How wonderful that we have the promise of complete safety now and for eternity through trust in the Lord.


To Him be thanks and praise!

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