Monday 16 November 2020

REVELATION : Chapter 22.

Our online Bible Group has completed the study of the book of Revelation this week and chapter 22 gave us as much  encouragement, discussion and laughter as the rest of the book has.
From chapter 22 we like the fact that there will be "no more darkness ('night ' in some translations) "' that God Himself will be our light. How wonderful that will be.
We also like the fact that Revelation is not 'sealed up', but left open so that we can read  and understand it with the help of the Holy Spirit. (V10)

This walk through Revelation has been great and we all agree that there have been some messages repeated to us:
- do not worry, but keep following Jesus
-there IS hope
- have faith in God at all times, being obedient to His word.
- God does not want any one to perish.

It has also been impressed upon us that we shouldn't waste a moment or an opportunity to share Jesus' offer of salvation.

As a group we would encourage everyone to read Revelation slowly and prayerfully, and not to be put off by what you don't understand. God Himself has said not everything is known about the End Times. But the holy Spirit will highlight so many blessings and encouragements as you read, as He has done for us.

Verse 4 of chapter 22 says "they will see His face" - that is Gods people will see the face of Jesus.  How marvellous, yet how is it possible?  Only through transformation.
1 John 3 v 2 : "dear friends, now we are children of God, and what we will be has not yet been made known. But we know that when He appears, we shall be like Him, for we shall see Him as He is".
Our transformation begins here as we become 'transformed by the renewing of our minds in Christ Jesus " Romans 12 v 2 and is completed at the Second Coming.
We can only imagine......

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