Monday 01 March 2021


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Have you ever forced yourself to look in the mirror by way of asking yourself. ‘who am I looking at?’ The task each morning is to check what I am looking at (my hair), but when I see my face in the mirror I might ask ‘who is that, really?’

Who are you? Who is that person staring back at you? Is that you? Do you recognise yourself? Do you see yourself as God sees you? (No, you don’t)

When we look in a mirror, we usually see what we are looking for. But what we are looking for is not what God is looking for.

God sees us with clarity, compassion, honesty and mercy. To Him, we are fully seen and fully known.


In Lent, we are called to traditional attitudes of self-denial and repentance, but before we can do that the first thing we need to do is learn to recognise ourselves as the sinners we are. Without this we cannot begin our Christian journey – or our Lenten journey.


Look in the spiritual mirror – take a good look at yourself – then try to look with God’s eyes, to wonder what and who He might really see.


Father God, I am your child. Help me to recognise myself in the mirror of your mercy, and to see my face as the imperfect reflection of yours until that day when we shall be face-to-face. Amen.

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NG19 6AB
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