Tuesday 28 July 2020

PSALM 89 :14

What a wonderful description of the work of
God in our lives and in the life of the world –
lubricate, cleanse, prevent rust!

That is a gracious reminder of what God can do in our lives as Father, Son and Holy Spirit. This Sunday we celebrate Trinity Sunday – a reminder to us of the dimensions of our faith.

We worship God as Father. The Bible is full of references to God as father, nowhere more clearly than in the Lord’s Prayer which begins with a reminder to honour his name and reflect his character, to do his will and pray for his kingly rule to come on earth. Sadly some Christian people and nations abuse this by taking power in their own hands to overrule those people or nations who do not agree with them.

We worship God as Son. Jesus who came and lived among us. We worship him in our songs and in our lives. We sing ‘My Jesus, my Saviour’ with  enthusiasm because of his love for us expressed in so many ways but supremely on the cross. We do have to be careful though not to make this the sole expression of our faith – he is not just ‘my’ Saviour but the Saviour of the world.

We worship God as Holy Spirit. For some this is uncomfortable and threatening but to those who allow God to work in them through his Spirit it is  enriching and empowering.

Psalm 89:14 reminds us that God is a God of righteousness, justice, love and faithfulness.

Let’s keep the legs of our trinitarian faith in equal                             
dimensions so that we do not topple or fall!

“Father we love you, we worship and adore you

Jesus we love you we worship and adore you

Spirit we love you we worship and adore you

Glorify your name in all the earth.”

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Rosemary Street
Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
NG19 6AB
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