Wednesday 24 March 2021

Turn your eyes on Jesus

This week we start with seek. It’s a much more active word than just looking. We know we don’t deserve God’s attention, yet He gives it to us. God only asks that we seek, plead and listen with full trust that He has heard, and He will reveal himself, He will speak to us. We need to make more time for Him, to focus wholly on Him. Times have changed -we can now all hear Him if we choose to listen for long enough.

We are then comforted with knowing God has planned everything; it will all work out well! It doesn’t matter what we do or what happens around us, while we trust in God, He will turn all things round for our good. He will lead us to prosperity, but we must remember that may not be our version of it. God’s view of prosperity is unlikely to include worldly goods, but we can be sure whatever his view of prosperity is it will be marvellous and so rewarding.

We have now come to the Lord’s promise. He alone is our strength -nothing can defeat us. God is guiding us through every trial to our rest.

Guide me O thou great Jehovah.


To finish we looked at Jesus’ temptation in the wilderness. I’m sure you’ve all heard plenty of sermons on this and have read it numerous times so instead we give you a little something to think about.

· How are we using our isolation?

· Are we building our faith?

· Are we allowing God and His angels to minister to us?

· Do we know any scripture of hand to rebuke temptation with?

· Is there anything that can tempt you? If yes what? Why is it more important than God?

· Do you need anything?

God knows our heart. He wants to hear from us. Reach out now!

Love and God bless you all. Sam and group.

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NG19 6AB
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