Tuesday 28 July 2020



– this was our ‘word for the day’ on the Sisters in Christ WhatsApp group.

Elizabeth sent us this message:

“Every day we need to understand things.

Understand people – that’s not always easy.

We have to discern information.

We have to empathise and sympathise.

Sometimes understanding is just plain good sense.

But at other times, understanding means God has to give us insight and perception.

Understanding is sometimes appreciating or sharing the feelings and thoughts of others.

Sometimes it is hard to understand myself, never mind other people!

And the situation we are in at the moment takes a lot of understanding.

But, actually, it is no different from any other day.

Understanding what is happening is the same now as it was a year ago.

I am really thankful that it is God who understands all things.


1 Chronicles 28 v 9 tells us “God searches all hearts and understands all the intents of the thoughts. If you seek Him, He will be found by you.”

And I pray today that the Lord will lead your hearts into a full understanding and expression of the love of God and the patient endurance that comes from Christ, so that you can understand anything you need to understand today – or anyone.”


Andrew and I needed understanding today as to how to teach Kieron his Road Safety and Money work, so this really was a word in season.

As I thought about it, this came to me:


UNDERSTANDING requires us to

· LISTEN to what people are telling us.

· READ to understand text so we can explain it

· LOOK at situations that will help us understand

· RESPECT what people are telling us to do and why

· THINK - is this the right thing to do (e.g. people flocking to the beach!!)

To finish, all these things can relate to God:

LISTEN to Him speaking to you through His word. Songs, a sermon.

READ God’s word or words to a song

LOOK to God for guidance and support

RESPECT God in what He tells you to do

THINK – God knows us better than we know ourselves. So respect what He tells you.


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NG19 6AB
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