Wednesday 10 March 2021

       Our group met on 03/03/21 and this is our devotional. 

    We started by looking at our own need for God. We were thinking about the Psalms and how they cry out for the Lord, they feel true pain while waiting for Him.  

When was the last time you felt like that? 

Do you love the Lord to the point it hurts? 

Verse of The Day Psalm :7,8 Blessed are the merciful, for they shall receive mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, for they shall see God

    We then moved on to discussing wisdom, do you truly believe Our brightest people are nowhere near God’s wisdom. Think about how we are marvelling at landing on Mars or all the technological advancements we have achieved. Do you understand God made Mars? To Him its only a tiny step away and what about the brain it’s the most advanced computer ever and God made that. 

     Now think about treasure in heaven. What do you believe it is? It was a discussion point for us. Is God our treasure? Or the people who went home before us? Or is it the souls we’ve won for the Lord? Now I ask you to go round your home find your most treasured possession and the thing you use the most and think how would you feel if it was suddenly gone. Would you miss it? Would you feel broken-hearted? Would you feel the same if you lost your faith? 

     Now let’s think about all Jesus did He sacrificed His life for us He was tortured on our behalf but think back to before that when He humbled himself to being a servant. He washed His disciple’s feet. Is there anything you are doing that shows you are following Jesus’ example? Is it easier or harder since lockdown? 



We leave you with this God is not finished yet, He is compassionate and gracious. He is on a different timeline then us but He is good He is coming back keep your faith a priority don’t worry about seeing any evidence 



Chris Tomlin The Roar Words and Music by Ed Cash, Wayne Jolley, and Chris Tomlin http://www.christomlin.com/home Backgrounds from: Footage Firm, Inc. and Free Worship Backgrounds (b


Love and God bless You all. 

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