Tuesday 06 April 2021


We met on 01/04/21 and this is our devotional. 

    This week we start with shepherds would you imagine a lowly shepherd becoming a king? Well God made it happen He turned David a regular shepherd into a warrior king, now He has given us another shepherd this one is destined to lead us all gently into a marvellous kingdom. 

     We then looked at Joel 2 v 1-2 and we had some division on this, Is it a positive or negative verse? It is a sign of things to come which may seem scary, it talks of darkness and gloom descending on us but its already here. Some people are living in the dark physically, some countries have no electricity at all and even people in this country can't afford to put electric on the meter and have to survive without it. A lot of people are spiritually in the dark, they have no faith, no hope, for them there is no light at the end of existence. Now this may seem bad but I tell you 'rejoice the Lord is coming' this situation has a bright end every single human living or dead will have a choice at the end whether to step into God's light or not. Not a single soul will be lost. I challenge you know look through all the passages you find scary or see as negative and find the hope in them, find God's promise, find the positive because I know the Bible is a book of hope, a book of positives if only we trust in God and look for it. 

     (562) The Lord's My Shepherd (And I Will Trust In You Alone) - YouTube  

     We then looked at Zechariah a prophecy that was fulfilled by Jesus on what we call Palm Sunday. He foretold of a saviour riding on a donkey, of a triumphal entry, of victory. Unfortunately, people thought it would be physical victory and they were expecting a warrior but we know it was a victorious rider Jesus, he came to gain the best victory of all. Victory over death! As we move into Luke 19 we see the completion of this prophecy in Jesus and he gave us another prophecy in V43-44. Now we know many of the prophecies Jesus fulfilled he had no control over such as his birth and death but this one He did. He knew what he was doing. We are told of the crowd singing and rejoicing and they were probably singing Psalm118. We even have a modern version of it. 

   (562) His Love Endures Forever - Micheal W Smith (Lyrics) - YouTube 

This is a Lyrics Video, I don't own the rights to the song in anyway just posting a cool video I built.


      We then looked at Luke 22 and I'm sure you've all heard many sermons on this and even studied it yourselves so we give you some focus points, think deeply on these. 

  • Do you ever fall asleep when you should be praying? 
  • Do you beg God to remove 'the cup' you've been given? 
  • How would you feel knowing as Jesus did what you're about to suffer? 
  • Would you run and hide or would you go along meek and mild? 
May God bless you.May everyone who watched this can understand the truth and seek Jesus Christ and obey Him.For platform other than PC OS, please play the vi...



Love and God bless you all 

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