Friday 14 May 2021

        This week we looked at revelation 7, one of our group said this is called one of the most inspiring and moving chapters but after a little discussion we decided it is quite obscure and perhaps not overly inspiring in fact it raises a lot more questions than it answers. 

      This chapter runs parallel with chapter 6. In chapter 6 the seals were opened and as far as we were aware the faithful would suffer alongside the rest of the population. Chapter 7 tells what will happen to us, as we have no comprehension of God’s time we don’t know for sure if this will come before during or after the opening of the seals. As discussed last week its possible some of the seals have already been opened so it’s unlikely to happen before time’s get very bad. But we are safe in the knowledge we have already been sealed and washed clean. 

Salvation Belongs to Our God Sung by Jeremy Fisher, Christ Covenant Church Worship Leader Background by Trail on Unsplash https://unsplash.com/photos/8HZZrWexTDY?utm_source=unsplash&utm_medium=referral&utm_content=creditShareLink


     Our future lies in V9 onwards where we all gather together in heaven, it’s written as a multitude as we are too many to count. It mentions every tribe, nation and language so we assume from that we will still be recognisable, even in heaven we are individuals.  

I own no rights to this track. All rights to Newsboys under exclusive licence to Sparrow Records. http://newsboys.com/ For more Newsboys: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=E00j5xGeDm8\u0026list=PLYujBvYGezBqfNAAt0V1Md_TZuV8mbxfY\u0026index=12 Lyrics: In this time of desperation When all we know is doubt and fear There is only One Foundation We ...


     I've put this in here as our discussion on rapture lead us to the Apostle's Creed, I never realised it was an actual thing and not just a good song. 

     We also learnt from this chapter we don’t go to Heaven to rest we all have a job to do when we get their which made all of us feel a lot better as we can’t imagine sitting idle, we all felt having nothing to do at all is not very good, we all prefer knowing we have something to do. 

    We leave you this week with a little encouragement, we have received God’s seal, whatever happens we are safe. As long as we continue to trust in Jesus our souls will always have a safe harbour. Whatever happens to our bodies its only temporary. 

        Love and God bless you all. 

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