Friday 31 July 2020

GENESIS 32 v 22 - 32

Wrestling with God . 
Our bible reading this morning was Genesis 32 : 22-32 . It tells the story of Jacob wrestling with a being overnight who he senses may have the nature of the Lord . When daybreak came the being asked to be let go as Jacob was not overpowered . 
' But Jacob replied ,  I will not let you go unless you bless me '  Genesis 32 : 26b
It got me thinking , what should I be asking God for right now ? Should it be something connected to the current circumstances - certainly there seem so many cares and concerns there . Is it a long term prayer request that seems to be continuing and unchanging . Is it actually something to do with the nature of my faith and relationship with God - am I thinking or asking in His love about all these issues? It can indeed be similar to wrestling to get these priorities right .  Actually the name Israel that God gave Jacob and later the nation means , ' he struggles with God ' . 


Heavenly Father , I pray that for each of  us , whatever we face and our circumstances right now , that you will intervene and through your presence , peace and love help us to see all as you see it through your unending love  and care for us , Amen . 

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