A desperate need?

Friday 30 July 2021

Person wearing trainers with message 'Pick Up Your Mat'

‘Which is easier: to say to this paralyzed man, ‘Your sins are forgiven,’ or to say, ‘Get up, take your mat and walk’?


A desperate need?

I have just been given an incredible piece of technology, it has revolutionised my life, and even made our house tidier and my wife happier. I don’t know how I have ever managed without it! What is it I can hear you asking? It sounds amazing I hear you thinking. I can feel your desperate to know what it is and where you can get one!! Even the name of this technology is great it’s called the “Remarkable2”. It’s a tablet device that is only designed to write on. I can hear your sighs and groans of disappointment. But this is no ordinary tablet it is the nearest thing to writing, or drawing on paper. I was loaned one to see if I would be interested in buying it. I was sceptical at first but as I used it. Wow! It was truly remarkable. You see I write a lot of things on paper, my ‘to do’ lists, my sermons, my thoughts of inspiration as God drops them randomly in my head, notes from meetings I attend, plans for developing vision, telephone numbers, people’s names to pray for. Of course, I use my laptop, phone and other tablet a lot, but there is nothing better than writing on paper. How has this changed my life? Well, our house is no longer full of little bits of paper stacked up on the tables where I have worked, hidden in books or bags, or moved when being tidied up. When I need something, I can find it. My best inspiring thoughts are no longer given, then lost and forgotten. In short, I do believe I may have to purchase one. I hope my son will give me a big family discount as they are more expensive than I can afford. But I need it and have got to have it.

Get up, pick up your mat and walk

In our bible reading this week we continue to meet some people who met Jesus and whose lives were radically and totally changed. This week we meet a man who was paralysed and spent his life laid on a mat. In those days being in this condition was a life sentence of begging, despair, rejection and extreme hardship. Effectively the mat was like a death mat, one that carried the bodies for burial, life was over. But this man had faithful friends who knew what he needed and where they could get it. So, we understand the desperation of them digging through the ceiling to get their friend to Jesus, who pronounced forgiveness of his sins (his biggest need) and told him to get up, pick up his mat and walk. We may not need to physically walk, but Jesus has forgiven our sins so we can walk in the Spirit and the newness of life. How are you walking with Jesus today?

Discover more

 Mark 2: 1 -12

The greatest and most desperate need of every human is to have their sins forgiven and to get up and begin to walk in the newness of life that Christ gives.

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