Breakfast on the Beach

Thursday 07 May 2020

Some of our favourite beaches are in Cornwall, we have been there for a number of years on holiday. Jane always returns with a hoody, t/shirt or something that will remind her of the name of her favourite beach for that year. Maybe she buys these things to remind her of the times we spent there as family but I think really at heart Jane just likes to look like a cool surfing beach Girl.  Our favourite beaches just for the record are Watergate Bay, Polzeath Bay, and Kynance cove.

Today’s Bible reading takes us towards the end of Jesus’ post resurrection appearances and this one appears to be very unexpected, the place should be called “Restoration Bay”. The bible doesn’t actually tell us the name other than it was on the shores of Lake Tiberias (Sea of Galilee). But if we were to name it, then restoration bay would fit well, as it was the place where Jesus came and restored the disciples who had been deserters, and deniers. Jesus also recommissioned them for the purpose he had called, prepared and trained them for.

The Disciples had gone back to their old way of life, to what they were familiar and comfortable with before they had met Jesus. Fishing! They caught nothing all night, Jesus shows up in the morning and tells them to do the same things but, on the other side of the boat, miraculously they haul in an amazing catch, and then spend time over breakfast with Jesus, what a beach visit that turned out to be!

Jesus was clear, with his action in the miracle and his conversations they were not to go back to what they had come from, He had not  called  and saved them to return to the comfort zone, but now restored them to have new vision for something far greater, the Kingdom of God which he would later give them.

As people, and as followers of Jesus we also face the same questions as we begin the process of moving forward after lockdown. As people I’m sure we have learned to value the many things that really matter, but as things relax it would be so easy to forget and just go back to our  old way of life and default settings rather than continuing valuing our time, and our relationships over frenetic activity and things.

 As God’s people I don’t know all that Jesus will call us to, but one thing I’m sure of is, it will not be to return to doing the same in the comfortable ways we have got used to. Jesus wants to restore and renew us, with fresh energy, passion and new ways to bring the good news of His kingdom to our world, and for that to be birthed out of fresh encounter, intimacy and time just being with Him. God’s call to go into all the world and preach the Gospel is not finished yet, so let’s draw near and find out what He wants us to do here in our town, our neighbourhood and our lives.


Discover more

 John 22 v 1-17

Don’t waste your time looking back on what you have lost. Move on, for life is not meant to be travelled backwards.

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NG19 6AB
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