Courage to ask and wisdom to listen

Friday 20 August 2021

“God didn’t go to all the trouble of sending his Son merely to point an accusing finger, telling the world how bad it was. He came to help, to put the world right again'' From The Message

John 3:17

Dear Friends,

Mark and Jane are on holiday and we pray for them a renewing and refreshing time. In church we continue the series about people whose lives were changed through meeting Jesus. This week we meet Nicodemus (John 3:1-17; 7:50; 19:38) and ask what difference it made in his life as a result of talking with Jesus at night.

There is value in seeking people who can give us time and attention so that we can talk honestly heart to heart about what is on our minds. There is also value in being approachable with the ability to listen. William Wilberforce met John Newton, former slave trader and then vicar of St Mary Woolnoth in London in December 1785. He came at night for a serious and secret conversation about the slave trade before campaigning in Parliament for its abolition. A Somalian woman in a population of 99.8% Muslim, came to Britain, read a Bible and turned to Christ with severe consequences from family and friends. But the same people who were hostile to her by day came to her at night saying : ”Sister I really love you and love what you say about Jesus but I don’t want to lose everything.” Nicodemus was searching and wanted to know more. He knew who could help him without pointing an accusing finger. He knew who would be willing to listen.

Warmest greetings.


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Courage to ask. Wisdom to listen

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