Don't tell God how big your storm is, tell the storm how big God is.

Friday 19 February 2021

One of my only memories from primary school is when I was gang leader aged 8 lol.  We would play British bulldog charging across the playground at each other sometimes not without the odd punch or kick at the other gang. One day for some reason all my gang left me and joined the other gang so I was all on my own. It got nasty that day, and a load of boys said they were going to get me after school. When the school bell rang, I legged it straight down the school drive with what felt like half the school in pursuit. Something amazing happened that day, I usually walked home on my own or with my brother, but that day my dad was stood at the end of the drive, I ran to him and stood close to him and the children running after me stopped in their tracks. I can can’t tell how safe I felt, with my Dad, as he was far bigger and stronger than all of them and all of my fear and anxiety over the situation just melted away. I was surrounded but felt an incredible peace it was ok. I don’t remember much that after that, other than the headteacher stopped our gang play, and charging across playground so I assumed things returned to normal.

We are looking at Psalm 46 in our service this week it’s a psalm that really reminds us not only of the strength and power of God- “The Lord is our refuge and strength” but  he is available 24/7 to help us. “the psalmist say he is “an ever-present help” and therefore we have no need to fear even if the bottom falls out of our world or as the psalmist writes “ even if the earth gives way and the mountains fall onto the sea” These words are written out of lived experience and millions of people throughout the centuries have tested them by the various situations they have been in, where God have been present.

We are encouraging you to spend extra time in prayer with the bible open through Lent, to help you to draw nearer to Jesus. We can come and grow nearer to the Lord, firstly because Jesus desires us to come near to us and through his death on the cross has made away for us to come, forgiven and clean. But He wants us to go daily to the secret place( Matthew 6 v 6) where its just you and Jesus, and spent quality time with him there, without distraction. The challenge for us is to get to that place regularly and shut out distraction, perhaps even in leaving your phone and laptop switched of in another room with the door shut.


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 Psalm 46 v 1-11

Sometimes God calms the storm but sometimes God lets the storm rage and calms his child.

Leslie Gould
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