Gifted and talented but are you using it?

Tuesday 31 March 2020

All these (Gifts) are the work of one and the same Spirit, and he distributes them to each one, just as he determines.

1 Corinthians 12 v 11

Liverpool football club have produced an absolute dream team this season. Their manager Jurgen Klopp Joined them in 2015 and has made a big impact over the last 4 years and turned the whole club around from mediocrity into a team of footballing excellence. He is undoubtably believed to be one of the best managers in the world at the present time.

But what are his ingredients of success? Firstly, he has created a culture across the whole club where everyone is enthusiastic about their role, Klopp speaks to every employee from the boot cleaners, and cleaning staff right up to the club directors, as success of the club hinges on more than just the squad who play the football.

But he has also been able to build a group player whose individual talents are blended together almost perfectly when the dream team has come together. He also uses a tactic called gegenpressing, a tactic in which a team, after losing possession of the ball, immediately attempts to win back possession, rather than falling back to regroup which creates a deep motivation in a team to WIN! It’s not surprising they currently look unbeatable and are riding high at the top of the league.

You and I are part of God’s dream team, His Church! We are continuing our series of LIFE TOGETHER with a refresher of what our Identity and purpose is together as a local church. We are part of an incredibly gifted group of people called to blend their talents and gifts together to WIN. Jesus said that He would build His Church and the Gates of Hell would not prevail against it (Jesus’ dream team). The wording of this bible verse implies that the dream team must be playing to win. To win you have to be on the offensive, not just spectate, nor just be content to play with no passion, but to play with the desire to win. This happens when everybody plays their part, and uses their God given gifts together and that then creates a culture in which the Holy Spirit has freedom to operate in power.

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 1 Corinthians 12 v 1-11

Your greatest fulfilment in life will come when you discover your unique gifts and abilities and use them to edify others and glorify the LORD.

Neil T. Anderson
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NG19 6AB
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