Helping all the parts to keep in shape to do their part.

Tuesday 31 March 2020

From him the whole body, joined and held together by every supporting ligament, grows and builds itself up in love, as each part does its work.

Ephesians 4 v 16

Big Ben’s chimes were silenced at noon on 21 August 2017 after almost 150 years without stopping, before refurbishment work started to take place on the Elizabeth Tower and the famous iconic landmark. The renovations, which so far have taken 3 years are expected to finish next year. and cost £61 million before the clock will resume tick-tocking and tolling once again. The work being done will include the Technical work on the clock mechanism. Which is made up of a huge number of parts including cogs big and small that all have to work individually and together. Why is the clock being renovated? Because the parts get worn and risk failure.
We are like the Clock parts; we are both individuals and part of an inter-dependent and connected whole. But like the parts of Big ben we get worn and tired and need maintenance and refurbishment.

Your personal journey is part of the whole Church growth and within our church body IT IS GOD WHO HAS GIVEN OUR INDIVIDUAL GIFTS in order to build up God’s people and prepare them for works of service. He wants us to become mature and united in Christ.
HOW does this happen? ‘as each part does it’s work’.
Our individual journey (our work) starts by spending time with the Master and includes living in the word, praying in faith, fellowshipping with believers and witnessing to the world.
God has gifted all followers with unique resources and one of our lifelong goals should be to discover those resources by serving. The act of giving away our time and talents to benefit others becomes a discipline that nurtures our spiritual lives.

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 Ephesians 4 v 11-16

“There is no such thing as an independent Christian.”

Rosaria Champagne Butterfield
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Mansfield Baptist Church
Rosemary Street
Mansfield, Nottinghamshire
NG19 6AB
Great Britain
