If our Church had a reset button, what would be our default settings?

Friday 05 June 2020

And I also say to you that you are Peter, and on this rock, I will build My church, and the gates of Hades shall not prevail against it.

Matthew 16 v 18


What will the church look like post lockdown? By the sound of things, we will be socially distanced for a while, so only 25% of you or less could come at any one time. Can you imagine church without
HUGS, TEA AND SINGING!  It is likely for a while that this would be the new norm, to quote the phrase that is being used for our future. We could do multiple services in a day, and clean in between and we could even put a funny notice up outside side the church similar to one I saw circulating the internet this week ,“Jesus cleans hearts, and we disinfect the pews!“ But don’t forget if you do come to church you can no longer fast forward the sermon!( Thanks to the person who sent me that joke via my Facebook)

One of the best suggestions I have heard so far is to start a DRIVE THROUGH CHURCH, where we drive onto a field and either wind the windows down in the car or sit on deck chairs on a big field, and lead the service from a back of truck, or mobile stage. I thought through the summer it might be worth trying out! So, watch this space.

Jesus is still building His church and we are still called to be a Spirit filled community, reliant on the word of God, gathering together in some way, called to worship and pray, to love and care for one another, and to join with Jesus and his mission in our world as that  does not finish until Jesus returns.

In the 1949 when the communist party formed the Peoples Republic of China, very soon after most public gatherings of religion were outlawed, eventually registered churches were allowed but a large amount of Chinese Christianity went underground and faced persecution , evangelism was risky, and being caught in a house church did mean risk of prison. But the church not only survived but thrived and became one of the fastest growing churches in the world! Jesus said “I will build my church and the gates of hades will not prevail against it” So whatever the future will look like our calling is the same, Jesus is the same, His promise is the same, so let’s just adapt and continue in faith to thrive not just survive. Let’s even use the opportunity to press the reset button on what our church life should be.

Today we will look at some of these principles that will remain the same, and answer that question of what the default settings of church are, that make us a Spirit filled community.


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 Acts 2: 41-47

“There’s nothing like the local church when the local church is working right – it’s the hope of the world"

Bill Hybels
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