Is Jesus King of your heart?

Friday 26 March 2021

“Blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord! “Peace in heaven and glory in the highest!”

Luke 19 v 38

Everyone has a high expectation that on your birthday firstly People will remember it and secondly, they will surprise you with an amazing or very thoughtful gift! A birthday celebration Jane will never forget and nor will I, was when our boys were little. I got the first part right, I remembered her birthday, tick great start, it was also a surprise, tick well done, but however what I thought was a thoughtful surprise, did not in the slightest way meet her expectations and to say there was disappointment is a slight understatement. I had bought her two Cadburys flakes, wrapped them up put them on a lovely plate and our boys gave them her so she had to look pleased with them. In my defence Jane had said to me weeks before that I never bought her anything as little love gifts not even a flake! So, I thought I was doing well buying her two.

We celebrate the beginning of Easter with Psalm Sunday. It’s a joyful celebration as we remember how Jesus was welcomed in Jerusalem as a King. But its also a story of High expectations about of the kind of King the people wanted. They welcomed Jesus as a Conquering King, but he came as the servant King, they praised him with their lips, but their hearts were far from Him. They shouted Hosanna which means God Saves, thinking about their life but Jesus came to save the whole world. They wanted a king that would sit on an earthly throne but Jesus wanted to sit on the throne of their hearts. As the days unfolded and they realised Jesus was not going to be the king they expected, their cold hearts cried out for Jesus to be crucified. No wonder Jesus wept over the city and its   people as he foresaw the consequences of that rejection, but Jesus the king of love still came to fulfil the greatest expectation of the Salvation of sinners and the full restoration of sinful world.


Is Jesus King of Your heart?

This story challenges us to examine our hearts, just who is the king of them? Do you praise and live for him with your whole heart? Dr S.M Lockerridge preached one of the most amazing sermons you will ever hear called “That’s My King” he states many of the things Jesus is, but repeats a line over and over again, that pierces the heart when he says “That’s My King I wonder do you know Him?


Discover more

 Luke 19 v 28-44

Listen to a Shortened version of the “That’s my King” sermon at:

Dr S M Lockridge
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