Is your vision of Jesus getting Bigger?

Tuesday 31 March 2020

“But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.”

2 Peter 3 v 17

There is a true story about a lad who loved cricket. Like most children growing up with a love of sport, the lad soon developed his list of his favourite players, people he wanted to be like when he grew up. He did have one player who he really wanted to be like and often dreamt he could meet him and be a player like him. A few years later his dream came true after he had developed into a good cricketer and his team was invited to attend coaching sessions run by his childhood idol. When he first met the player he could hardly speak, how amazing he thought, to be near such greatness; he listened intently to every word the coach said, by the second session he began to get to know the coach a little and found he was very different to how he expected him to be. As he got closer he found the coach was not always well spoken, his language left a lot to be desired, he often put down the young players, and by the end of the week, as the lad got to know more about this player, he realised he was not who he and thought him to be. The whole experience left him somewhat disappointed. As he got closer to the coach his vision of the greatness of this player just got smaller and smaller.
As the years go by, how is your vision and experience of Jesus? Is it getting bigger? Does He continue to amaze you, thrill you, and are you making new discoveries about Him you never knew? Are you seeing His power at work both in you and in others in ways that surprise you? Is your love for Him growing deeper and stronger?
Peter wrote to encourage christians in 2 Peter 3 to continue in their faith despite setbacks and ridicule that they endured and finished by encouraging them in verse 17 to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.” Our Journey of Faith must never be static, but should be growing deeper and our vision of who Jesus is, as we get closer to Him, should never be smaller but always growing bigger.
Over the next few weeks we are looking to grow deeper in our knowledge of Jesus through the Old Testament, so that our vision of Him will continue to expand, our love and adoration of Him will grow deeper and the impact of growing in knowledge will grow our desire to continue to live for Him.

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 Colossians 2 v 6-17

“While it is good that we seek to know the Holy One, it is probably not so good to presume that we ever complete the task.”

Dietrich Bonhoeffer.
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