Jesus: The Key to open all doors

Tuesday 31 March 2020

For a wide door for effective work has opened to me, and there are many adversaries.

1 Corinthians 16 v 9

I’m sure most of you have heard of the amazing work that is being done by Open Doors who work in many countries hostile to Christianity supporting Christians being persecuted in many ways. Its founder Brother Andrew started by smuggling bibles into the Soviet Union at the height of the cold war, when what was known as the Iron Curtain strictly controlled who and what could come into those countries, with severe penalties for anyone daring to bring Christian materials. He courageously put his life on the line to smuggle Bibles to forward the Gospel in these areas. His work went on to span many decades and in geographical locations. He wrote a book called God’s Smuggler, where he details courageous and dangerous border crossings in his blue VW Beetle – which became known as 'the miracle car', for its ability to miraculously keep going and divinely avoid discovery of its precious cargo.
Brother Andrew said, "Our very mission is called 'Open Doors' because we believe that any door is open, anytime and anywhere. I literally believe that. Every door is open to go in and proclaim Christ, as long as you are willing to go and are not worried about coming back."
Our bible teaching is from Acts 16. Paul on his second missionary Journey was given a key by Jesus and it was to open a door. He was faithful and opened that door. He went inside and was amazed at what he found. People who were not Jews who wanted to know Jesus. He talked to them about Jesus, and they not only were saved, but God’s Holy Spirit came on them and they rejoiced together.
We too are invited to go through the doors Jesus has opened to where people are, and if we are obedient, faithful and fearless, we also will find people waiting to hear the wonders of the Gospel and many who will respond. Jesus is the key that opens all doors, he has already opened the door to life. through his death and resurrection and beckons us to follow him into the world and point people to him, the one true door and, the key to eternal life.

Discover more

 Acts 16 v 6-18

God knows what He is doing. Don't be discouraged by your closed doors. If God wants a door to open, you can be certain it will open. All the forces of darkness cannot stop it.

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NG19 6AB
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