Tuesday 31 March 2020
For physical training is of some value, but godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come.
What was your new year’s resolutions last year? Can you even remember them, never mind did you keep them? It’s not a bad idea to set your self-goals at the start of the new year, and aim for better health, loose some weight, take up a new hobby, spend less time holding your phone, make more time for friends and family, read more, or stop binging on boxsets Netflix, and YouTube . We also need sometimes set ourselves spiritual goals following the advice Paul wrote to Timothy that spending more time with the Lord and getting to know Him more, is better use of time and will benefit you greatly.
Beware Work in Progress.
You are a new creation, when you came to know Jesus God took hold of your life, and like a master sculptor is crafting you into a master piece, which will not be finished until we meet Jesus at his second coming. It easy to beat yourself up about all the things you have failed at, or didn’t manage in the past. I love the way the Apostle Paul writes this “But one thing I do: Forgetting what is behind and straining toward what is ahead, 14 I press on toward the goal to win the prize for which God has called me heavenward in Christ Jesus.” Philippians 3 v 13 & 14.
How do we do this? By fixing our eyes on Jesus who is the author and finisher of our faith, by growing deeper co-operating with him, learning to follow his loving call, being obedient to it, spending time outside of a gathering on Sunday to grow deeper in your relationship with Him through His word and time in prayer, and out working your faith audaciously.
A song that blesses me based on God completing the work of change in us, is called “Finish what He started “by mercy me, have a listen the words will lift your heart to press on whatever your facing, whatever your past has been, as Jesus is with you all the way, and He will finish what he started.
Let’s not just make resolutions but create good habits to grow in our love and faith this coming year.
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Philippians 3 v 7-14
Christ-likeness is your eventual destination, but your journey will last a lifetime