Our best days are yet to come!

Saturday 11 April 2020

The angel said to the women “Do not be afraid, for I know that you are looking for Jesus, who was crucified. He is not here; he has risen, just as he said. Come and see the place where he lay.

Matthew 28 v 5-6

The empty Tomb and the resurrection of Jesus bring assurance of what Jesus won for us when He died on the cross. It brings a real experience of His presence throughout our lives and an unbreakable guarantee of our own resurrection to life after our death or at His second coming (which ever one of those comes first!)

There is a story of a young girl who became very ill, completely paralyzed on one side and nearly blind. As she lay in  the hospital bed  she heard one of the doctors say to her parents, “I’m really sorry, but your daughter has seen her best days, don’t be hopeful of any change. It isn’t possible!”  The girl shouted out “No, doctor! My best days are yet to come, when I shall see the King in His beauty.”

That is our hope. We do not need to sink into despair over our troubles or over fear of the future. Christ rose from the dead to give us a pledge of our own rising. The resurrection is the great antidote for fear of death and the future. Nothing can take it’s place. No worldly wealth, pleasures or pursuits, nothing can come near to bringing us consolation like knowing Jesus Christ and his resurrection power.

Our best days are yet to come, when we know Him, that is both a continuing present reality and a future guarantee. Each day with Jesus is the best, regardless of whether we are in a good or difficult place.

One of the guys in our church was out running and God gave himsome inspiring thoughts to encourage us.

“This life is a blip compared to eternity. Don’t focus on the doom and gloom of the material world but look to eternity, it’s only doom and gloom if you don’t know Christ and this material world is all you have with nothing after it.  So, smile knowing you are saved and the main event is yet to come in eternity”

The apostle Paul  prayed over new Christians in a place called Ephesus.  I pray that over you all today.  Why not make it your prayer for yourself and others.  “ I also pray that you will understand the incredible greatness of God’s power for us who believe him. This is the same mighty power that raised Christ from the dead and seated him in the place of honour at God’s right hand in the heavenly realms". Ephesians 1 v 19-20

So, make sure you test positive for faith, keep a safe distance from doubt, and isolate from unbelief.


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 1 Corinthians 15 v 16-26.

Easter says you can put truth in a grave, but it won’t stay there. You can nail it to a cross, wrap it in winding sheets and shut it up in a tomb, but it will rise!”

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NG19 6AB
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