Psalm 23

Friday 22 January 2021

Know that the LORD is God.  It is he who made us, and we are his we are his people, the sheep of his pasture.

Psalm 100 v 3

In my last job, we had the joy of taking groups of young people away on various camps and residentials. One of the favourites was Bonsall camp in the peak District. It was a place where we all met with the Lord in amazing ways, had a lot of great fun, built great friendship’s, and made memories for life as you will see below!

The first night always involved a night walk of some sort, one year we sent groups out with various challenges and routes including some “off the path” We counted everyone out and were counting everyone in and each group had a leader and a phone. But after a while we realised one group had not returned. After an hour to say we were worried was an understatement. We discovered that night one of the beauties of Bonsall camp was there was little or no phone signal!  But not what you needed with a lost group of young people on moorland at midnight!

Finally, we managed to contact the group leader by phone, and he said they had got lost and wandered around the fields looking for a way out, and the farmer turned up on a quad bike and guided them out (We think he must have seen the torches and thought someone was stealing the sheep) We were so thankful for this quad biking shepherd that night.

The words of Psalm 23 compare God’s care and help as being like that of a Shepherd, we may struggle to fully grasp the depth of the comparison as our  farmers drive quad bikes, and 4x4’s and no longer live out on the hillsides with the livestock. But nevertheless these beautiful words reveal Gods heart for people, and It has been a source of inspiration, hope, and comfort for millions of people in their journey through life’s joys and sorrows and is packed full of the promises of God. The words of this Psalm will be very familiar but their truth and power to bring you hope in these difficult times is endless, but its only as we experience them in the ground of our life do we realise more deeply their wonderful truths. Read them through yourself and let the Word of God refresh your Soul with hope and assurance of God, who is with us.


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 Psalm 23.

The closer we are to the Shepherd the safer we are from the wolves.

Jarrad Wilson.
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